Katharina Gundermann

As a trained sports professional, Pilates and Yoga instructor

Katharina has worked at an orthopaedic rehabilitation centre, as a personal trainer at “JOOP Women Fitness” in Berlin, and has led pregnancy, postnatal and women’s exercise groups at adult education centres and in a private fitness club. She now works as a personal trainer for women in Zurich. She led recreational sports classes for children and Buggy Fitness Groups in Zurich. She teaches a powerful but gentle Yoga influenced by ChiYoga/Luna Schmidt and VinyasaYoga/Marie Licht.

Whatever your sport, your fitness level and your goal – Katharina can motivate you and help you.

As a trained physiotherapist and specialized pelvic floor physiotherapist.

Katharina worked in private practices in Berlin, independently in London and The Hague, and at the Pyramide Private Clinic on Lake Zurich. Since her training, she has been particularly interested in the female body and its special needs in phases of menstruation, pregnancy, involution and menopause. In 2022 she opened the "Women`s Health Practice" at Römerhof in Zurich to offer women treatments in a dedicated and protected setting at a fixed and central location.

Whatever your posture, stamina, muscular strength, joint condition or metabolism – Katharina knows what she must pay particular attention to for you.

As a mother of two sons

Katharina has experienced the changes of the body, the hormones and self-image herself. She knows from personal experience how challenging it is to care for a newborn, a toddler with tantrums and a teenager and at the same time to give due consideration to your partner, household, friends, hobbies as well as yourself. Katharina founded “Personal Training for Women” in 2010 to encourage women not to neglect themselves and their bodies whilst giving them greater flexibility in their daily routine.

As individual as every pregnancy, every birth, every baby and every woman – Katharina can empathise and understands your problems.